
Chiropractic Service

Chiropractors are experts in the diagnosis of neuromusculoskeletal diseases, injuries, and syndromes. Not only is their specialty focused on diagnosing spinal-related disorders, but they also have an expert knowledge base in assessing extremities and Temporomandibular Joint-related Disorders. Chiropractors use non-surgical techniques, to prevent and correct deformities and to preserve and improve the function of bones, muscles, joints, and their nerve supply when such function is compromised or impaired by defects, lesions, or disease.
Their interventions include:
Manual procedures such as spinal and joint manipulation, spinal traction, joint mobilizations, and soft tissue techniques. Adjunct treatments including physical agent modalities (ultrasound, electrotherapy and extracorporeal shockwave therapy). Back supports and orthotics. Specific exercise programs, patient education on ergonomics and posture, nutrition, nutritional supplements, and other lifestyle modifications.
Specific adjustments or manipulations are skillful manual techniques for targeted treatment of joints. They are characterized by impulses precisely controlled in terms of force, direction and location. These manoeuvres, which can be applied directly to the joint or remotely through the use of longer lever arm, are designed to be completely painless. The main goal of these techniques is to trigger a reflex effect, allowing the muscle to relax, reduce pain and restore the normal biomechanics of the joint, which can be altered by pain and pathology.
Segmental Flexion-Distraction, is a chiropractic technique initially developed by Dr. James M. Cox to treat various spinal pathologies including, but not limited to, herniated discs and sciatica. It uses a multi-articulated table to perform pumping movements on the pathological vertebral segment. It is painless and helps reduce pressure on discs and nerve roots, providing an alternative to surgery in many low back pain and sciatic pain cases.Error
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is an advanced method for treating degenerative tendon pathologies. It provides satisfactory clinical results and is very safe for most patients, with minimal side effects. ESWT works by using high-energy sound waves helping to reduce pain and promoting tissue regeneration through an increase in local blood supply. It is indicated for numerous pathologies including: tendinopathies including rotator cuff pathologies, tennis and golfers elbow, jumpers knee, but also plantar fasciopathy, chronic ligament sprains and fibrous muscle scars.Error
Therapeutic Ultrasound is useful for treating post-acute pain, inflammation and soft-tissue injuries linked to strains, sprains, tendon strains and even fractures. When injured tissue is exposed to ultrasound, the high-frequency sound waves cause a micro-vibration within the tissue which creates gentle heat energy that increases blood flow to the area. This increased blood flow causes an increase in oxygen and chemicals that are essential for the healing of the damaged tissue.Error
Interferential current therapy (IFC) is an effective therapy option used to relieve pain, muscle tension and to accelerate the body’s self-healing process. Electrodes are placed on your skin around the treated body part. The IFC device transmits gentle and safe electrical impulses that penetrate through the skin into deeper-lying muscle tissues. These painless impulses stimulate endorphin production, and help reducing pain, inflammation and spasms. IFC therapy helps restore lost movement and is an effective treatment for chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions.Error
Other than general rehabilitation exercises for pain conditions and injuries, Agape Chiropractic Hong Kong offers Schroth Best Practice courses. The Schroth Method is a nonsurgical option for scoliosis treatment. It uses exercises that are customized to each patient to help return the curved spine to a more natural position. The goal of Schroth exercises is to de-rotate, elongate and stabilize the spine in a three-dimensional plane. This is achieved through specific exercises that focus on restoring muscular symmetry and postural alignment, breathing into the concave side of the body and teaching postural awareness.Error

Agape Quality Over Quantity

Spine X-ray
In your quest for the best chiropractor in Hong Kong to help you with your health concerns, you are looking for someone you can fully entrust.
At Agape we will never push you into lengthy treatment packages or unnecessary X-ray referrals.
Instead, we will share the different options for your specific issue and we will build a treatment plan together that suits your needs. We believe in communication and collaboration. If we can’t help you, we will let you know and refer you to the relevant specialist.
You are in good hands!
Central Hong Kong’s Top-Rated Chiropractic Clinic