Low Back Pain Postpartum

Should You See a Chiropractor for Low Back Pain Postpartum?

Pregnancy and childbirth bring happiness, but they also come with several physical challenges. Low back pain postpartum is one of the most common concerns for women. The body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy—weight gain, shifting posture, hormonal changes, and the strain of labor—all of which can leave the lower back feeling sore and out of alignment. For many women, this pain persists long after childbirth, but the good news is that chiropractic care may help. Let’s explore how a chiropractor can assist with postpartum low back pain.

What is postpartum back pain?

Many women feel soreness and stiffness in their back after giving birth, and it’s normal to experience discomfort when carrying your newborn. Postpartum low back pain is commonly experienced by many women. Studies show that up to 20% of women deal with this pain for three to six months after childbirth. If you’ve had a C-section, back pain can still occur. Since recovery from a C-section usually takes longer than from a vaginal birth, reduced movement can lead to weaker core muscles, which may contribute to the pain.

After childbirth, you might experience pain in your lower back and different parts of your pelvis including your tailbone. Some people also experience upper back pain. This can happen from activities like lifting your baby, bending over the crib or bassinet, handling the car seat and stroller, or hunching over while breastfeeding. When experiencing pain or feeling out of alignment, you can consult a chiropractor for lower back adjustments and pelvic treatments, including tailbone adjustment.

What are the causes of low back pain postpartum?

Many of the physical changes that cause back pain during pregnancy can still affect your back after birth.

  • During pregnancy, your growing uterus weakens and stretches your abdominal muscles, and your posture changes, which can put extra strain on your back.
  • The added weight during and after pregnancy not only makes your muscles work harder but also puts pressure on your joints.
  • Hormonal changes also loosen the joints and ligaments connecting your pelvis to your spine in preparation for childbirth.
  • Your body went through a lot of changes over the course of nine months, and these effects won’t go away quickly. You may also have used muscles you don’t usually rely on during labor and delivery, which could lead to soreness and pain, especially if the labor was long or difficult.
  • Other factors can make things worse during the postpartum period. Many new moms unknowingly make back pain worse by not using proper posture while breastfeeding. When you’re learning how to breastfeed, you may be so focused on getting your baby to latch that you hunch over, straining your neck and upper back.
  • Finally, the exhaustion and stress of caring for a newborn around the clock can make it harder to recover from all the aches and pains after childbirth, including back pain.

Is chiropractic treatment safe for low back pain postpartum?

Chiropractic treatment is an effective way to relieve back pain and improve joint function. Whether you’re dealing with acute or chronic low back pain during pregnancy, the first goal is to provide relief. Chiropractic care doesn’t involve medication or invasive procedures, making it a safe and effective option for pregnant women without the side effects of pain medications. A chiropractor in Hong Kong uses gentle, controlled movements and adjustments to the spine and pelvic joints to restore proper function and reduce strain. Spinal and pelvic adjustments also help joint flexibility and muscular stability, contributing to a smoother pregnancy and delivery. Chiropractic treatment and adequate lifestyle changes, can help reduce most cases of low back pain and pelvic girdle pain.

How long does it take to find relief from low back pain postpartum with chiropractic care?

This can vary depending on the severity of pain, overall health, and how consistent patients are with treatments, exercises and other recommendations. Many women begin to feel improvement within a few weeks of treatment, after receiving regular adjustments and making lifestyle adjustments. However, for more persistent or severe pain, it may take a few months to experience significant relief. Your chiropractor will discuss a treatment plan as per your specific needs and monitor your progress throughout your recovery.


Chiropractic care is a safe and effective method to help relieve postpartum back pain and promote healing. With the right treatment and support at Agape Chiropractic Hong Kong, you can regain comfort and mobility as you adjust to life with your new baby.

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